
02 March, 2005

Der Euro.

As if it's not bad enough that I cannot understand the total cost of what I am buying and must take extra time to read something that the clerk has just said to me, I must fight with the denominations the Euro comes in.

The paper money comes in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 100, and even a 200.  There's probably larger, but under no circumstance will I ever be able to hold one in my hand.

Despite the paper Euro coming in different sizes and colors, and resembling something out of a monopoly game, I can handle it well enough.  The coins, however, were forged in Hell.

They come in denominations of 2, 1, .50, .20, .10, .05, .02, and .01 Euro.  And as if this isn't painful enough, the back of each coin is different, according to which country of the EU cursed the world with its creation. 

I believe this was done for the sole purpose of extending the amount of time that Americans and other foreigners to Europe spend in front of the cash register.

One must always then be sure to look at the front of the coin first, then count all the numbers in their head, and make sure this matches the number on the register, before handing over the coins to the impatiently waiting clerk.

So when I need to pay someone, I generally hand them a bill, and get a butt-load of 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 -cent pieces back.

And let me tell you.  Germans are not exactly the most patient of the world's people.  So you can always tell when someone is not from Europe by the bulging amount of change they carry with them in their pockets.

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